Contributing to the decarbonisation of Bristol’s social housing by efficiently transforming heating systems in seven occupied buildings, all within budget, on schedule, and with no unplanned downtime.
1.6 MW
of space heating interface plant installed
1.4 MW
of domestic hot water interface plant installed
Brand new
plant control and energy monitoring system serving each building
Managing occupied buildings
Intrusive modification construction in occupied buildings posed significant risks to occupant safety and relationships.
Maintaining critical supply
Heating and hot-water supplies to residential properties are crucial, so any works had to safeguard supply while minimising and pre-planning any outages.
Navigating stakeholder management & programme constraints
This Salix-funded initiative came with tight deadlines, making strong relationship management and stakeholder communication essential for project success.

Customer service supply uninterrupted
Through meticulous planning and phased works, we delivered the project with no unplanned service interruptions.
Efficient work processes
Our self-delivery approach allowed concurrent handling of various connections, delivering the project on schedule and within budget.
Enhanced building performance
The integration of new plant control and energy monitoring systems enhances efficiency while providing detailed energy usage insights, enabling more effective management and reduced wastage.
Positive social value impact
The project’s focus on using a local labour force not only supported the local economy but also ensured that community members directly benefited from the project.
Continues our work to Net Zero Carbon
We took another step forward, contributing significantly to the decarbonisation of heat in Bristol, supporting our mission to empower every UK community to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050.

Related Projects

Central Health Clinic
We have been integral to the decarbonisation strategy of University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Trust across their Bristol estates. Appointed by Bristol City Council, we transformed the Central Health Clinic’s heating system, connecting it to the city’s low-carbon heat network.

Hannah More School
Our team played a pivotal role in preparing Hannah More School for future decarbonisation. Appointed by Bristol City Council, we transformed the existing natural gas-fired heating system at the school and connected the building to the Old Market phase of the city-wide low-carbon heat network.
Get in touch to discuss your next project
To talk to us about your project or for more information on any of our services, please contact us and we'll be happy to help